Taking in the Hawaiian Sights

There are many things to do on the picturesque Hawaiian islands. Depending on which islands are on your itnerary you may want to take Hawaii tours oahu, Maui or Hawai’i. There are many sights, sounds and experiences available on all the islands in the archipelago.
Oahu tours can incorporate sites like the Dole plantation and Pearl Harbor. Pearl harbor tours are popular for Americans and international visitors alike. The somber mood and reverence shown on USS Arizona tours or on USS Missouri tours is truly humbling and can bring a tear to many eyes.
A Dole plantation tour can be a crowning experience of a Hawaiian tour. On a Dole plantation tour people will be able to experience the amazing flavors of fresh picked pineapple and many unique products created from this spiky fruit. On the Dole plantation tour many people will enjoy an adventure through the signature Dole plantation hedge maze. The Dole pineapple maze is one of the largest garden mazes in the world, navigating your way through the maze is not only a challenge it is a great way to appreciate the flora of the island as well.