Taking A Closer Look At The Catering World Of The United States
Here In The United States, eating out at restaurants is incredibly commonplace. After all, eating out can be ideal for a number of different reasons. For one thing, it’s a great way to take a break from cooking, something that can end up being more trouble than it’s worth at the end of a long day of work. In addition to this, going out to eat can allow you to connect with loved ones and friends around a dinner table, especially friends and family that you aren’t able to see on as consistent a basis. Finally, eating out can be ideal for the purposes of trying new cuisines as well, as trying out new cuisines is a great way to discover more of what you love – as well as even more of the world, from your very own home town.
Take just the one long state of Florida. In Florida, there are currently very nearly 40,000 dining establishments that are open for business, a number that is only likely to grow in the years that are to come. In many parts of the country, restaurants are incredibly commonplace, found throughout the states and in major cities and small towns alike. For many people, going out to eat is truly a wonderful experience, and the restaurant industry provides a great deal of jobs as well. As a matter of fact, more than 900,000 food service employees are currently working in the state of Florida alone, let alone throughout the rest of the country.
And for any major event, catering services can be idea. Catering services provide the high quality food that you’d get at a restaurant, but to any event that you might think of. For instance, catering is hugely popular for weddings, and different catering services can provide a wide variety of different foods – and can even meet a number of different dietary needs, such as those who need to eat gluten free or those who do not consume meat or dairy (or sometimes one or the other). And catering services can include other elements as well, as some catering companies will even provide certain elements of decor for the event, if this is needed.
When deciding on the ideal food to order from a catering service for a big event, consider foods that will meet the needs of the most people attending – and that the most people will enjoy. For many people, this food will be chicken, and the best chicken is provided by caterers all throughout the country. After all, chicken can be prepared in a number of different ways, dressed up and dressed down, and there is a type of chicken out there for just about everyone – at least among meat eaters – here in the United States.
The data on the popularity of chicken more than backs this up, showing that more than 91 pounds of chicken per capita were consumed in the United States in the year of 2016 alone. This is up from the year of 2015, where a still impressive just over 90 pounds of chicken per capita were consumed all throughout the country as a whole. In fact, chicken has even been classified as the number one top source of protein consumed throughout the country as a whole, and it is here in the United States that the most chicken is consumed, the most out of anywhere else in the entirety of this world as we know it.
Therefore, it makes a great deal of sense that many people would look to add a chicken dish – at least one of the them – to the catering menus for their big event in the works. Aside from chicken dishes, side dishes should also be contemplated, as well as the prior courses for more formal events that include seated dinners. For many people, chicken is a great way to meet the needs – and meal expectations – of the greatest number of people attending the event and is something that is likely to be enjoyed by just about anyone not following a specific set of dietary restrictions.