Looking for Your Lost Shaker of Salt? You May Want to Check Broadway

Broadway could be one of the most diverse places on the planet in terms of the topics for the plays. You can learn more about American History with Hamilton, more about Mormonism in the Book of Mormon and now, Jimmy Buffett fans can relive his career with Escape to Margaritaville. You may have to head to the best website to buy Broadway tickets because this play has sold out almost immediately.
CBS has reported on the play itself. They report that many Jimmy Buffett fans enjoy his songs because they allow them to get away to paradise, if only in their mind. People who have seen the new play say it feels like visiting with an old friend. Not all of the Buffett repertoire is featured in the musical, nor is he part of the cast but theatergoers are encouraged to sing when the feeling hits.
Tracy Smith, a correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning pointed out that, no matter how popular a musician is or how much success they have had in the past, taking a play to Broadway is always a big risk. Not even the best website to buy Broadway tickets could help the mega-group, U2 and its frontman, Bono with their efforts to bring Spiderman to the stage.
Buffet said that he wanted to do this because he saw it as a challenge. He told CBS that he had always wanted to do this. He says that one of his favorite tunes is “The Drifters.” He reports that every time he walks down Broadway, he sings, “They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway…”
As a child, Buffett’s mother would bring him to musicals. He says that his efforts to bring his own music to Broadway is really a tribute to her.
That dream, to bring Buffett’s iconic songs to the Great White Way has come true. His play was not started in New York, as many do, but in California. It opened in San Diego to a packed house. Part of the popularity is probably due to the fact that most people already know the songs. He admits that he picked some of his most popular hits.
After San Diego, Buffett did not go directly to New York. In terms of Off Broadway musicals, this one stayed way off. Even the best website to buy Broadway tickets did not have tickets to this show. He took the play from California to New Orleans. He says that city has had an important impact on his desire to go into show business.
He has gone as far as to say that this is where he created the persona we all know as Jimmy Buffett. After growing up in Alabama, he tried to make it in music in Nashville. When that did not pan out, he left for the Big Easy where he got his real start in music.
When asked how much of an influence the city had on him, Buffet says there may never have been a Jimmy Buffett had he not spent time in New Orleans. His path from there led him to Key West, Florida. While his songs are all about the partying lifestyle, he cut back on that when he reached his late 30s. He cites bad hangovers and the desire to not become a statistic as the reason he cut back.
Buffett’s career skyrocketed and he even has legions of fans who call themselves, “Parrotheads.” While you can buy Broadway show tickets to see his new show there, he still tours with his Coral Reefer Band. When he is not working on his play, he also has hotels and restaurants to run.
Escape to Margaritaville was very popular in San Diego, California and New Orleans, Louisiana and the reception in New York seems to be just as good. It has been reported that during the first showing, the bartenders at the theatre ran out of the margaritas people were buying during the show. Most people who buy Broadway theatre tickets know that this is not the normal Broadway beverage.
If you want to see this you will need the best website to buy Broadway tickets because it is that popular.